
The Hobbit

You are probably wondering why is the title of this post named after the title of Tolkien's book. Some of you might think that Peter Jackson is done with filming the movie, but that can't be possible because it's announced for the 2012 (http://the-hobbit-movie.com/). The reason is quite simple, I've read the book and it was awesome. I suggest you to do the same, you'll not be disappointed (I mean come on, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote it). I'm not going to tell you the story, but I must say that the story follows a hobbit Bilbo Baggins who decides to live the adventure. But wait! There's more of it. After I finished reading the book I was hungry so I took an apple and carved something in it - I always do that before I eat an apple:

Have you ever read The Hobbit?

Well isn't that weird?

Blue, blue eye


Two drawings

I've been kinda busy yesterday, so I haven't posted a picture, so now I owe you two of them:
[At school]

[Also at school]



I found this skech and decided to share it with you
P.S. It's also mine



This might be weird, but it's true. On Monday, at school we were sewing buttons (only my class). Take a look at my button:

And here it is, one more picture for you. No, I haven't forgot to post daily artistic picture:



Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jules Verne!

His better known works:
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Five weeks in a Baloon
The Mysterious Island
and many others